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16 Parents and Children Dallas

In previous posts, I covered sixteen lovers and sixteen heroes and villains (link below). In the upcoming months, we are going to use the mannequins from Story Building Blocks and do a deep dive on what each character is like as a parent and how they deal with the other characters as children.

Family dynamics, especially parent and child, have a long-lasting impact on how your characters are formed. You don’t have to write a family saga to utilize this insight. It will shape who your character becomes as an adult. It can play a big part in a young adult story world. Even in Science Fiction or Dystopian futures, human traits remain. Childhoods can twist and destroy. A good family can make your hero more lovable and a motivated hero. Mix a character with a good childhood without to give them different world views and definitions of family. Sibling rivalry can be a factor. Who did the parent love more? Who did they connect with? Who did they clash with the most? There are many opportunities to infuse conflict in your plot with parents and children. You can mix parents with different styles. You can craft a complex family dynamic based on their temperaments and needs. As always with any of the traits, you can make them benevolent or malevolent.

The sixteen profiles can be either male or female. I alternated he and she. The character can be a father, mother, grandparent, aunt, uncle, foster family, or other primary caregiver.

This post will focus on the mannequin DALLAS.

Dallas is highly social and throws lavish parties. She has a constant need for stimulation that frightens an introvert. She is affectionate, generous with praise, and “I love you”,” but is inconsistent. She will allow her children to try everything but won’t make them finish anything. Her effusiveness embarrasses a reserved child. She wants everything to be perfect. She makes last minute changes to the plans and schedules. She is terrible at enforcing rules. She crosses the line to be liked and wants to be her children’s friend, not their drill instructor. She relies on her partner to play bad cop. She hates conflict and takes criticism personally. She is passive aggressive when anxious. She is more interesting in blaming than fixing. Dallas is naturally drawn to River, Shelby, and Taylor. Her opposite is Francis.


Dallas is easy to please and seeks approval. She needs clear consistent rules and a secure routine. Dallas is the opposite of what when needs. Dallas can’t handle suffocating attention or inconsistent rules. She hates being punished for something she didn't do. If stressed, she suffers silently. Dallas will try to push Wynn past her comfort zone. Dallas isn’t a disciplinarian which could leave Wynn feeling insecure. Dallas’s passive aggressiveness could become abusive. Wynn is likely to disappear into anxiety and depression, feeling like she could never live up to Dallas’s expectations. While Wynn isn't a problem child, she isn't anything like Dallas either. They won't have much in common.


Francis needs order, structure, calm, and a predictable schedule. He is not comfortable with new people or situations. Dallas is a nightmare for him. Francis clings to close friends. He struggles with overly emotional people. He is meticulous and puts schoolwork before play. He likes group events where he can show off his competence. Dallas will enjoy showing him off and putting him in the spotlight.  If his competence is questioned frequently, it results in low self-esteem. Dallas is going to push him in uncomfortable ways. Francis will become rigid and withdrawn. He could turn into a bully, finding ways to subvert and punish Dallas for not being what he needs. He could easily turn against her entirely and cut her from his life for disappointing him. Dallas will be hurt by his turning against her.


Nevada needs structure, security and personal attention. If he doesn’t get it, he becomes clingy. He craves acceptance and is eager to please. Dallas’s attention may be too much and her inconsistency will make him clingy. He struggles to conform to new situations and Dallas thrives on change. Nevada does what he is expected to do. He follows the rules if fair and reasonable and speaks out against unfairness. He is furious when other people break the rules and Dallas doesn’t believe in rules. She sets no clear expectations. Nevada becomes resentful and angry if he doesn't get the praise he seeks. Dallas’s praise isn’t consistent. It doesn’t fit the actions, leaving Nevada confused. He becomes willfully obstinate if violated. Nevada could become a self-regulating child that simply works apart from Dallas to have the life he needs. Depends on his other caregivers. Nevada is likely to turn against Dallas for not being flaky and unreliable. He could disapprove of her his entire life and she will be hurt by his criticism.


Arden is an active toddler. He likes to experiment and needs constant activity and change. He grows sullen and depressed if deprived of opportunities. He is curious and likes to disassemble things. He is eager to share his findings. Dallas will provide the exciting environment he needs to thrive. Arden isn’t a snuggler. He hates standing still and that can be exhausting to most parents but not Dallas. They could press each other into outrageous behavior. Arden wants to impress and wants to earn those trophies and badges. He wants to excel. He can resort to acting up to get attention or break up the monotony. Dallas is a good match for Arden. She will like showing him off, her good boy. Both thrive on change and stimulation. Dallas will try to be his best buddy and that can lead to Arden getting away with too much, until the law catches up. They would be a perfect parent/child crime duo.  


Blair needs love and nurturing. Dallas being inattentive and busy makes  feel lost. Blair needs a solid foundation from which to flit, and Dallas provides quicksand. Blair is quiet and plays by herself, inventing her own world. She is artistic and highly sensitive, a daydreamer. Dallas won’t understand this dreamy loner and will attempt to push her past her comfort zone. Blair will resent her for it. Blair is pleasant and kind and nurturing toward others. She makes special gifts. Dallas may appreciate them, or not, depends on the day. Blair rebels if restricted and resists change and Dallas thrives on change. Dallas has the potential to be extremely damaging to Blair. Blair could either withdraw and become depressed or become so angry at being let down that she leaves home and doesn’t look back.


Dallas is a restless child. She is suffocated by restrictions or cloying caregivers. She isn’t a cuddler. She is a dangerous loose cannon and will try anything. She needs to be corralled. Parent Dallas sees rules as suggestions and doesn’t enforce them anyway. Child Dallas is a ringleader of her siblings or in school. Parent and child Dallas could vie for dominance in the home. It could become a game of who gets away with more and paybacks. Child Dallas’s attention is fleeting. She doesn’t do anything long enough to master it. Parent Dallas won’t mind that and will make excuses for her child. Child Dallas hates being stuck at a desk listening to other people talk. She forgets to do what she is supposed to and Parent Dallas is just as bad. She can’t take care of her own stuff. Parent Dallas has a child just like her and it could go two ways. They could appreciate and drive each other to even more outrageous behavior or both spiral into mutual self-destruction or at least a life of co-dependence.


Hadley is an easy baby. She needs calm, personalized attention. Dallas will make her anxious and fretful. Hadley is agreeable and enthusiastic. She wants to try everything once but quickly drops it. So does Dallas, so nothing may ever get done be it homework or housework. Hadley wants to be seen and heard and offers deep insights. She shuts down in the face of criticism and everything is criticism. Dallas isn’t intentionally controlling but she could carelessly demean Hadley. Hadley is easily led and hates leaving friends even though her friendships tend to be fluid. She may come to resent Dallas’s need for change and desire to shake things up. Hadley will likely recover and manage the changes. On the downside, Hadley might feel a little lost and look for guidance outside the home. On the upside they could muddle along together, never really achieving much. 


Shelby is a quiet baby with a low threshold for excitement. She needs calm and consistent nurturing. Too much handling, moving around, and chaos make her cranky. She cries to escape the torture when caregivers shake her up and show her off. Dallas provides the opposite. Shelby likes playing by herself, with her toys, or with her imaginary friends. She likes to daydream and doodle. She is reserved around new people and bonds with a best friend. She can be a loner. Dallas won't understand her. Why is she such a bore? Shelby hates teams and groups and is highly sensitive to criticism. Dallas is likely to criticize her often. Shelby turns her pain inward and Dallas probably won’t notice. As Dallas goes about her whirlwind ways, Shelby will keep retreating. She could retreat from the home or retreat from life. She won't tolerate Dallas's expectations or interference after she leaves home. Dallas could prove to be a problem parent Shelby’s whole life.


Joss is a quiet but busy child. He is a fearless daredevil. He accepts structure and concrete rules but needs flexibility. He asks permission but finds a way around it if told “no.” Dallas is horrible at making rules and is inconsistent with punishments. He grows bored when options are limited and Dallas supplies lots of outlets. Joss likes to take things apart to see how they work, but doesn’t tell anyone what he learns. He gets lost in his hobbies. Joss is a good student, but chafes at rote learning. He gets in trouble for not paying attention or sitting still. Dallas will blame the school and teachers for his bad grades and poor behavior. Josh could spiral out of control since Dallas isn’t there to ground him. The two of them could negatively influence one another. Joss could resent Dallas for being lacking as a parent. He won’t hesitate to let her know it. They could have a lifetime of recriminations and blame with nothing ever being resolved.


Kelly is a freedom-loving, active, and cranky baby. If his caregivers crave a consistent schedule, they are out of luck. Dallas isn't consistent. Kelly transplants easily. Dallas will appreciate this about her child. Kelly can't sit still and play alone. He craves attention and creates chaos to get it. He won't abide by rules or conform. Dallas doesn’t like rules or conformity either, so they will likely feed each other that way. Kelly collects friends and needs to be on the move. He is a ringleader of mischief. He needs a firm hand, not an iron fist and Dallas is neither. She may indulge Kelly too far. Kelly can be self-destructive if thwarted. He learns how to manipulate early and becomes a bully. He will likely run rings around Dallas and find her an easy target. Dallas will never hold him accountable. Kelly is likely to secretly, or openly, despise her, a dynamic that will last their whole lives. Dallas could easily be an enabling parent who never holds Kelly accountable.


Greer is happy and easygoing, and likes to explore. He prefers to play alone and can't handle chaos. He needs routine and safety, which Dallas doesn’t provide. Greer asks odd challenging questions and enjoys fantasy, mystery, inventing, and thinking. Dallas won’t understand this. She will try to push him to do more, make friends, go places. Greer isn’t interested in being fussed over or the center of attention. He is easily suffocated and can't handle emotionally gooey parents. Dallas is play, fun, energizing, and just the opposite of what he wants. Greer may start to doubt himself and take her criticism of him hard. He will never feel he can please Dallas. This could seriously harm his self-esteem. Alternatively, he could decide she isn’t worth his time and turn away from her entirely. They aren't likely to end up with a close relationship.


Taylor needs peace and calm. Dallas being chaotic and unpredictable makes her anxious. Taylor is friendly and values harmony. Pleasing others makes her happy. She will try really hard to please Dallas, who may or may not notice. Taylor takes charge of playroom and siblings. She may take charge of the home since Dallas isn’t likely to. Taylor is hurt if she senses disapproval or if her efforts are rejected. Dallas isn’t likely to appreciate Taylor’s attempts to create order. Taylor can overextend herself by trying to play with everyone. Dallas won’t be the one to rein her in. Taylor could end up burned out early trying to do too much at home and at school. Dallas is likely to push Taylor to spiral out of control. They could become horribly entangled if Dallas is seriously out of control as a parent, irresponsible with money, or involved with chemicals or alcohol. Taylor would feel responsible for Dallas. They could be codependent forever. It will take outside influence to convince Taylor she isn’t the one who has to fix everything. Dallas may always need fixing or really resent that Taylor thinks she needs fixing.


Cam is a quiet, low maintenance child. He won’t ask for anything, even for what he needs. He is good because it’s important to be good not to please others. He expects everyone else to be good too: caregivers, siblings, teachers, and friends. Dallas being chaotic or highly dysfunctional could push him further inside his shell. Cam spends a lot of time daydreaming and thinking. His questioning of authority and probing questions make most adults squirm. He develops his own belief system and does not conform to what others believe. Dallas might find him funny and agree that they should just throw convention out the window. Cam, luckily, is self-regulating and responsible. One of them has to be. Cam withdraws to protect. Dallas is likely to be too inconsistent for Cam. As Cam withdraws, she might try to pull him out of his shell even harder. They are likely to misunderstand each other the rest of their lives. The dynamic could cause a permanent split.


Morgan is a lively baby. He walks, talks, and gets into everything early. He might do them all a little differently. Caregivers who expect everything to happen on time and in the right way are frustrated. Luckily, Dallas doesn’t. Morgan has a lively questioning mind. He takes risks and outwits dim caregivers, teachers, or other authority figures. He could easily run rings around Dallas. She could encourage him to be outrageous. Morgan likes creative projects and follows his unique interests wherever they lead. Dallas will likely support him in those endeavors. Morgan’s penchant for invention is evident early on. Morgan is outgoing. Morgan doesn’t like group activities and if pressed wants to orchestrate things, assign roles, and oversee the progress. He becomes irritated when he doesn't get his way. He can be a clown. Dallas will likely cheer him on as he creates chaos. She isn’t in charge so Morgan will likely become the dominant personality. Morgan may soon find Dallas completely inconsequential. They aren’t likely to clash too much. Rather they are both on different trajectories that may or may not meet up from time to time.


Lee is a high-demand baby. She will scream until Dallas pays attention to her. She proves exhausting to the most attentive caregiver. She knows her own mind from the day she can talk and tells you what she wants and does not want. Luckily Dallas is likely to go along with whatever Lee wants. Lee excels at whatever she chooses to participate in. She is in competition with herself not others, but they might not realize it. Dallas won't know what to make of her focused, ambition child. Lee is a leader on the playground and becomes the enemy of anyone who doesn’t follow along. She is the quintessential queen bee. She will probably end up running Dallas as well. Lee will take over and make life what she wants it to be and Dallas is just a tool in her arsenal. Lee will despise Dallas’s inconsistency. Their dynamic is likely to reverse with Lee the parent and Dallas the child. Lee could be the successful child and Dallas will always be the inferior parent who can't get her act together.


River is a quiet baby. She is content to observe the world. She needs peace and quiet to thrive. Dallas is the opposite of what she needs. River lives in a dream world most of the time. Dallas will attempt to drag her kicking and screaming to play groups or to the playground. River one or two friends and her emotional skin is thin. She sees the world as treacherous and trust is vital. She won’t be able to trust Dallas. River hates violence and discord. Dallas's inconsistency and irresponsibility will make River feel very unsafe. River will withdraw to protect herself from the chaos. These two will probably never understand one another. Dallas could push River into depression and anxiety. River could leave home and never look back. She could be at risk of Dallas intruding into her life and Dallas will be completely unaware of the problems she creates. They are opposites in their approach to life.

Next week, we will introduce HADLEY.

If you want to learn more, you can check out Mastering Character Development and the

Story Building Blocks website for free tools and forms.

You can follow new posts on this topic on Facebook or opt for an email through

You can get more insight into character development by picking up a copy of 

As always, if you find this information useful, hit the like button and share.

16 Parents and Children Blair

 In previous posts, I covered sixteen lovers and sixteen heroes and villains (link below). In the upcoming months, we are going to use the mannequins from Story Building Blocks and do a deep dive on what each character is like as a parent and how they deal with the other characters as children.

Family dynamics, especially parent and child, have a long-lasting impact on how your characters are formed. You don’t have to write a family saga to utilize this insight. It will shape who your character becomes as an adult. It can play a big part in a young adult story world. Even in Science Fiction or Dystopian futures, human traits remain. Childhoods can twist and destroy. A good family can make your hero more lovable and a motivated hero. Mix a character with a good childhood without to give them different world views and definitions of family. Sibling rivalry can be a factor. Who did the parent love more? Who did they connect with? Who did they clash with the most? There are many opportunities to infuse conflict in your plot with parents and children. You can mix parents with different styles. You can craft a complex family dynamic based on their temperaments and needs. As always with any of the traits, you can make them benevolent or malevolent.

The sixteen profiles can be either male or female. I alternated he and she. The character can be a father, mother, grandparent, aunt, uncle, foster family, or other primary caregiver.

This post will focus on the mannequin BLAIR.

As a parent Blair wants to be adored and admired by her family but she is emotionally reserved.  She doesn’t offer praise but needs to hear it. This dichotomy sets them all up for failure. She rarely gets the adoration and praise she so desperately needs and her children will never know to give her the things she can’t give herself. She provides a well-tended and comfortable home. She is great with babies and small children. She is easy-going and has realistic expectations. She likes to make things special for those she loves. However, Blair lives in the moment. She isn’t structured and changes her mind at the last minute which is tough for kids who need stability and structure. She gently guides and suggests but doesn’t boss around so can easily be ignored. She has low social needs but tries to make things fun. She takes her children to parks and has pets. She feels overly responsible for making everyone happy. If someone is having a bad day, it is somehow her fault. She takes criticism and conflict personally. Her unmet needs and poor communication adds to her passive aggressiveness when stressed.  She is naturally drawn to Blair, Joss, Shelby, Hadley, and Wynn. Her opposite is Lee.


As a child, a Wynn is easy to please and seeks approval. She prefers clear consistent rules and needs a secure routine. Blair won’t provide them. Blair’s inconsistency will add to Wynn’s stress. Wynn does not like being punished for something she didn’t do and in Blair’s attempts to smooth things over and not focus on who did what, Wynn will rebel at being lumped in with other misbehaving children. It does matter to her who did what. When stressed, child Wynn suffers silently and like Blair will withhold negative feelings until they erupt. Wynn may very well feel the like adult in this relationship. She definitely won't give Blair the adoration she craves. Wynn will go through life feeling like she can't make Blair happy because Blair never praises her.


As a child Francis needs order, structure, calm, and a predictable schedule which Blair doesn’t provide. He struggles with overly emotional people and Blair will not get the appreciation and adoration she needs. Francis is meticulous and puts schoolwork before play. He isn’t comfortable with new people and situations and clings to close friends. Blair will support him in this. Francis enjoys situations where he can show off his competence. If belittled, he sinks into low self-esteem. He can become rigid in the face of uncertainty and can become a bully. Blair’s lack of focus and inability to be an enforcer will have a hard time keeping Francis in line. If she attempts to redirect him and he resents her for it, they could form a rift that can’t be healed due to misunderstanding.


Nevada needs structure, security, and personal attention. If he doesn’t get it, he becomes clingy. Blair won’t give him the cocoon he needs. Nevada becomes resentful and angry if he doesn't get the praise he seeks. Blair also wants praise but doesn’t dole it out. Nevada craves acceptance and is eager to please. He does what he is expected to do. He follows the rules if fair and reasonable. Nevada struggles to conform to new situations, so as long as his parents keep his life calm, he is fine. Blair’s last minute changes and inconsistency in rules can make Nevada a wild child. He is furious when other people break the rules. Blair will likely betray him in that way. Nevada will turn against his parents if he perceives that they let him down. He becomes willfully obstinate if violated and that can create a war that Blair won’t know how to solve.


Arden is an active toddler. He likes to experiment and needs constant activity and change. He grows sullen and depressed if deprived of opportunities. Blair will provide a stimulating environment for him to experiment in. Arden He is curious and likes to disassemble things. He is eager to share his findings. He can resort to acting up to get attention or break up the monotony. Blair might find him too much of a handful. Arden isn’t a snuggler. He hates standing still and that can be exhausting. He won’t appreciate Blair’s personal attention. Arden wants to impress and wants to earn those trophies and badges. He wants to excel. Blair might appreciate his determination but may not like his methods. Blair will have a hard time corralling Arden. He in turn won’t appreciate her like she needs. They aren’t the worst pairing, but there is potential for misunderstandings. In some ways they are just alike.


Child Blair needs love and nurturing. Absent, inattentive, or busy caregivers make her feel lost. Parent Blair will provide a relatively safe home, but she isn’t consistent. Neither of them are which can cause friction. Child Blair needs a solid foundation from which to flit and while Parent Blair usually provides a calm home, it won’t be a predicable one. They could end up the best of friends with Parent Blair having unique insight into her flighty child. However, child Blair needs her parent to focus on her, which probably won’t happen. Both want adoration and appreciation they don’t know how to give and may go a whole lifetime without ever giving each other the very things they both desperately need. Sometimes being too much alike is a problem.


Dallas is a restless child. She is suffocated by restrictions or cloying caregivers. She isn’t a cuddler. She can be a loose cannon and will try anything. Her attention is fleeting. She doesn’t do anything long enough to master it. Even though Blair herself is inconsistent and changeable, they will end up fighting about a lot of things. Dallas needs to be corralled and Blair might not be strong enough to do it. Dallas is a ringleader of her siblings or in school. She hates being stuck at a desk listening to other people talk. She forgets to do what she is supposed to. Blair will not appreciate it if Dallas goes off the rails or veers too far from her expectations. Blair will likely go the wrong way about trying to rein Dallas in. That will result in Dallas becoming a wild child who pushes her parent just to get a reaction. Blair will not feel appreciated or adored. Both withhold if their needs aren’t met. It could be a stormy relationship.


Hadley is an easy baby. She needs calm, personalized attention. Busy or aggressive parents make her anxious and fretful. In that regard, Blair is the perfect parent. Hadley is agreeable and enthusiastic. She wants to try everything once but quickly drops it. Blair will either appreciate that about her or not like seeing herself mirrored in Hadley and criticize her. Hadley shuts down in the face of criticism and everything is criticism. So when Blair attempts to direct her, Hadley will rebel. Both need to be admired. Neither knows how to ask for what they need. It could go either way with these two. They could learn to appreciate each other of have a lifetime of misunderstanding.


Shelby is a quiet baby with a low threshold for excitement. She needs calm and consistent nurturing. Too much handling, moving around, and chaos make her cranky. She cries to escape the torture when caregivers shake her up and show her off. Blair could be a comforting presence, except for the times she isn’t where she needs to be or forgets important days or events. Shelby likes playing by herself, with her toys, or with her imaginary friends. She likes to daydream and doodle. She hates teams and groups and is highly sensitive to criticism. She turns her pain inward. Neither knows how to ask for the adoration they both secretly crave. It could go either way here too. Both Blair and Shelby suppress their needs until they blow, so a conflagration could occur. They could hurt each other without realizing it. Shelby is reserved around new people and bonds with a best friend. She can be a loner, but so can Blair. That could cause a further rift or could be a point of connection. 


Joss is a quiet but busy child. He is a fearless daredevil. He accepts structure and concrete rules but needs flexibility. He asks permission but finds a way around it if told “no.” He grows bored when options are limited. Joss could run rings around Blair since she isn’t a natural authoritarian. Blair’s inconsistency can make Joss anxious. Joss likes to take things apart to see how they work, but doesn’t tell anyone what he learns. He gets lost in his hobbies. He will not give Blair the adoration she craves. Not out of malice but out of a lack of awareness. Joss offers no ill will. He just isn’t tuned in. Joss is a good student, but chafes at rote learning. He gets in trouble for not paying attention or sitting still. Blair will defend him to the school authorities until he is expelled. Blair might become more erratic and Joss tries harder to control his world if it spirals out of control. They could have a very stormy relationship blurred by misunderstanding. Joss could easily manipulate Blair until he leaves home, never to return.


Kelly is a freedom-loving, active, and cranky baby. Blair is bad at maintaining a consistent schedule and so is Kelly. He transplants easily. Kelly can't sit still and play alone. He craves attention and creates chaos to get it. He won't abide by rules or conform. He will challenge Blair from day one and make her life chaotic. They could feed on each other, creating a death spiral of mutual destruction. Blair isn’t a good disciplinarian and Kelly would ignore her anyway. Kelly collects friends and needs to be on the move. He wants his celebrations to be lavish. Blair will never do enough for him. He is a ringleader of mischief. He needs firm hand, not an iron fist. He can be self-destructive if thwarted. He learns how to manipulate early and can become a bully. Blair won’t know what to do with this wild child. If she is too self-involved, he will easily run roughshod over her. He definitely won’t appreciate her, unless he realizes that is a manipulation tool to get what he wants. If he figures out that all he needs to do is act adoring, he will get whatever he wants from Blair. 


Greer is a happy, easy going child who likes to explore and plays happily alone. He needs routine and safety and Blair supplies the safety but not the routine. He asks odd challenging questions and enjoys fantasy, mystery, inventing, and thinking. Blair might not understand her child, but since he isn’t causing her problems, she will be fondly tolerant. He can’t handle chaos and hates being fussed over or the center of attention. Blair isn’t likely to push him to be either. Greer doubts himself and takes criticism hard, but Blair isn’t overly critical. They should muddle along fairly well together even if they have nothing in common. Blair won’t get the adoration she craves and Greer might not get the appreciation for his competence. He may be more of an adult than Blair. He could easily become the one to take over household management.


Taylor needs peace and calm. Chaotic and unpredictable caregivers like Blair make her anxious. If Blair is absent or busy, it allows Taylor to spiral out of control. Blair’s inconsistency will make Taylor anxious and when Blair fails to do what a parent is expected to do, she will embarrass her child. In return, Taylor won’t adore her. Taylor is friendly and values harmony. Pleasing others makes her happy. Taylor will take charge of her siblings and the playroom. She may take charge of Blair. Taylor is hurt if she senses disapproval or if her efforts are rejected. Both Blair and Taylor need to be appreciated. They can hurt or heal each other in that regard. Taylor overextends herself by trying to play with everyone and must be reined in. Blair is more likely to ignore her and let Taylor spiral out of control. Misunderstandings are a given.


Cam is a quiet, low maintenance child. He won’t ask for anything, even for what he needs. He is good because it’s important to be good not to please others. He expects everyone else to be good too: caregivers, siblings, teachers, and friends. If Blair is chaotic or highly dysfunctional, Cam will retreat further inside his shell. Blair’s inconsistency will make him anxious. Cam spends a lot of time daydreaming and thinking. His questioning of authority and probing questions make Blair uncomfortable. She wants him to loosen up and just have fun. Luckily, Cam is self-regulating and responsible. He develops his own belief system and does not conform to what others believe. He may end up raising himself. Cam withdraws to protect and Blair won’t feel the love. They could be circling each other at an arm’s distance their whole lives, never really understanding each other. 


Morgan is a lively baby. He walks, talks, and gets into everything early. He might do them all a little differently. Caregivers who expect everything to happen on time and in the right way are frustrated. Blair is more happy go lucky and unfocused, so this won’t bother her. Morgan has a lively questioning mind. He takes risks and outwits dim caregivers, teachers, or other authority figures. He may run circles around Blair. He likes creative projects and follows his unique interests wherever they lead. His penchant for invention is evident early on. Blair may enjoy his boy wonder act or resent it. Morgan is outgoing. He likes to orchestrate activities, assign roles, and oversee the progress. Morgan is irritated when he doesn't get his way. He may critique his parents and won’t give Blair the adoration she craves. Morgan doesn’t like group activities but can be a clown in social situations. He is likely to take apart his toys or utilize them in interesting ways. Blair isn’t overly social herself, so is unlikely to overwhelm him in that way. Both could end up skipping events they are expected to attend. This relationship could go either way. Blair and Morgan could drive each other crazy or they could muddle along in a very unconventional fashion. 


Lee is a high-demand baby. If placed with absent or self-absorbed caregivers, she screams until someone pays attention to her. She proves exhausting to the most attentive caregiver and Blair is not the most attentive. Blair might find this child too much of a handful. Lee knows her own mind from the day she can talk and tells you what she wants and does not want. If Blair has different plans and goals for Lee, she is met with stubborn resistance. Lee excels at whatever she chooses to participate in. She is in competition with herself not others, but they might not realize it. Her mother will be largely inconsequential. Blair definitely won’t feel adored. Lee could triangulate her parents and become her other parents' darling, seeing Blair as competition. Lee is a leader on the playground and becomes the enemy of anyone who doesn’t follow along. She is the quintessential queen bee. Blair isn’t enough of a disciplinarian to corral Lee. To caregivers with Lee’s temperament, Lee is the perfect child. To rigid caregivers, she is a pain. To less intrepid caregivers, she scares them a little. She scares Blair a lot. Blair simply won’t know how this child is her child. A lifetime of misunderstandings is a given.


River is a quiet baby. She is content to observe the world. If Blair is busy, she will makes River cry. She needs peace and quiet to thrive and Blair isn’t the most peaceful parent. She is inconsistent so River will sink further into the dream world she lives in most of the time. Blair is likely to make River feel adrift. River has one or two friends. Her emotional skin is thin and any criticism lowers her self-esteem. If she does not rise to Blair’s expectations, she may become depressed. River naturally sees the world as treacherous and trust is vital. She hates violence and discord and needs peace and continuity. Blair’s inconsistency will make River anxious. Blair may never understand her odd child, but will glad that she is at least quiet and doesn’t demand much of her time. River could easily feel abandoned. Blair may not know what to do with her changeling but would not intentionally try to hurt her, though River is easily hurt. Blair isn’t likely to earn the adoration she needs as a parent. 

Next week, we will introduce DALLAS.

If you want to learn more, you can check out Mastering Character Development and the

Story Building Blocks website for free tools and forms.

You can follow new posts on this topic on Facebook or opt for an email through

You can get more insight into character development by picking up a copy of 

As always, if you find this information useful, hit the like button and share.

16 Parents and Children Arden

In previous posts, I covered sixteen lovers and sixteen heroes and villains (link below). In the upcoming months, we are going to use the mannequins from Story Building Blocks and do a deep dive on what each character is like as a parent and how they deal with the other characters as children.

Family dynamics, especially parent and child, have a long-lasting impact on how your characters are formed. You don’t have to write a family saga to utilize this insight. It will shape who your character becomes as an adult. It can play a big part in a young adult story world. Even in Science Fiction or Dystopian futures, human traits remain. Childhoods can twist and destroy. A good family can make your hero more lovable and a motivated hero. Mix a character with a good childhood without to give them different world views and definitions of family. Sibling rivalry can be a factor. Who did the parent love more? Who did they connect with? Who did they clash with the most? There are many opportunities to infuse conflict in your plot with parents and children. You can mix parents with different styles. You can craft a complex family dynamic based on their temperaments and needs. As always with any of the traits, you can make them benevolent or malevolent.

The sixteen profiles can be either male or female. I alternated he and she. The character can be a father, mother, grandparent, aunt, uncle, foster family, or other primary caregiver.

This post will focus on the mannequin ARDEN.

Arden is a stable parent. He wants to be admired for his integrity and hard work. He expects his children to behave and to excel. He rejects dependence, messiness, or dawdling. He can’t handle an intuitive, dreamy child. He can’t relax and just go with the flow. He hates changes in schedule. He is a firm disciplinarian and has no trouble with confrontation. He suppresses his displeasure until a core value is violated. Then he erupts and dishes out criticism, but can’t take it. He is hypercritical and controlling when stressed. He will overlook a transgression once, but it better not be repeated. Arden won’t tolerate challenges to his authority. He is a fierce advocate for his children and will defend them against outsiders in public. In private, his unrealistic expectations and criticism can be harmful. On the positive side, he will be a stable, steadying leader of a family.

Natural matches: Arden is most compatible with Arden, Lee, Nevada, Kelly, and Francis. Arden struggle most with Shelby.


As a child, a Wynn is easy to please and seeks approval. She prefers clear consistent rules and a secure routine but can’t handle suffocating attention. Arden is the perfect parent in that respect. Arden can be a bit strict and unyielding. There is potential for misunderstandings if Wynn is unfairly punished or accused. When stressed, Wynn suffers silently. Both will withhold negative feelings until they erupt. The two could misunderstand each other for a lifetime until a catalyst releases their emotions.


As a child Francis needs order, structure, calm, and a predictable schedule. Arden provides that. Francis struggles with overly emotional people. He is meticulous and puts schoolwork before play and Arden appreciates that. Francis isn’t comfortable with new people and situations and clings to close friends. However, Francis enjoys situations where he can show off his competence and Arden will cheer him on. If belittled, Francis sinks into low self-esteem. He can become rigid in the face of uncertainty and can be a bully. Arden could be a bully and they could feed each other in that regard if Arden is more controlling and critical than Francis can handle. If things are pretty neutral, Francis will be Arden’s favorite child because he doesn’t cause problems.


Nevada needs structure, security and personal attention. If he doesn’t get it, he becomes clingy. He becomes resentful and angry if he doesn't get the praise he seeks. Arden will provide the structure but isn’t free with praise. Nevada does what he is expected to do. He follows the rules if fair and reasonable. He speaks out against unfairness. He is furious when other people break the rules. So in that regard, he is compatible with Arden. However, Nevada will turn against his parents if he perceives that they let him down. He becomes willfully obstinate if violated and that can create a war. Nevada struggles to conform to new situations, so as long as his parents keep his life calm, he is fine. If they are forced to move around for work etc. he can turn into a problem child. If Nevada becomes a problem, Arden will become a harsh taskmaster, pushing Nevada to leave the family behind.


Arden is an active toddler. He likes to experiment and needs constant activity and change. He grows sullen and depressed if deprived of opportunities. He is curious and likes to disassemble things. He is eager to share his findings. He can resort to acting up to get attention or break up the monotony. This will not make parent Arden happy, even though he was the same as a child. Arden isn’t a snuggler. He hates standing still and that can be exhausting. Arden wants to impress and wants to earn those trophies and badges. He wants to excel. Parent Arden will be there rooting him on but may not agree with his methods. They could become best buddies or total enemies.


Blair needs love and nurturing. Absent, inattentive or busy caregivers make her feel lost. Arden isn’t good with personal attention. He expects his children to be self sufficient and won’t appreciate a clinging child. Blair needs a solid foundation from which to flit, which seems contradictory to other people. Arden provides the solid foundation but will object to the flitting. Blair is pleasant and kind and nurturing toward others. She makes special gifts.  Blair is quiet and plays by herself, inventing her own world. She is artistic and highly sensitive, a daydreamer. She rebels if restricted and resists change. Since Arden is all about peace and self-control, Blair could drive him crazy.


Dallas is a restless child. She is suffocated by restrictions or cloying caregivers. She isn’t a cuddler. She is a dangerous loose cannon and will try anything. Her attention is fleeting. She doesn’t do anything long enough to master it. She will drive Arden quite mad. Dallas needs to be corralled and Arden may do so to the point of suffocation. Dallas is a ringleader of her siblings or in school. She hates being stuck at a desk listening to other people talk. She forgets to do what she is supposed to. If Arden tries too hard to manage Dallas, she becomes a rebellious wild child. Sparks will fly between these two.


Hadley is an easy baby. She needs calm, personalized attention. Busy or aggressive parents make her anxious and fretful. In that regard, Arden is stable but not overly nurturing. Hadley is agreeable and enthusiastic. She wants to try everything once but quickly drops it. Arden will be frustrated by this. Dallas wants to be seen and heard and offers deep insights. She shuts down in the face of criticism and everything is criticism. So when Arden attempts to direct her, Dallas will rebel. Dallas is easily led and hates leaving friends even though her friendships tend to be fluid. Arden will find her perplexing and she will find him stiff and dull. Dallas might rile him up to get a reaction. It won’t go well.


Shelby is a quiet baby with a low threshold for excitement. She needs calm and consistent nurturing. Too much handling, moving around, and chaos make her cranky. She cries to escape the torture when caregivers shake her up and show her off. Arden is perfect for her in that regard. Shelby likes playing by herself, with her toys, or with her imaginary friends. She likes to daydream and doodle. Shelby is reserved around new people and bonds with a best friend. She can be a loner. She hates teams and groups and is highly sensitive to criticism. She turns her pain inward. Arden may be confused by this changeling. He may push her to do more and be better. She will be hurt by the slightest criticism. Shelby may never feel good enough for Arden. Both of them suppress until they blow, so a conflagration could occur with the right trigger. They could hurt each other without realizing it and drift apart. 


Joss is a quiet but busy child. He is a fearless daredevil. He accepts structure and concrete rules but needs flexibility. He asks permission but finds a way around it if told “no.” He grows bored when options are limited. Arden will appreciate him in most respects, but Joss might become too much for him to handle. Joss likes to take things apart to see how they work, but doesn’t tell anyone what he learns. He gets lost in his hobbies. Joss is a good student, but chafes at rote learning. He gets in trouble for not paying attention or sitting still. Arden will be frustrated by Joss’s inability to fall in line. His line. Joss tries harder to control his world if it spirals out of control. Arden is a secure structured parent, so only life changing turbulence is likely to affect them both. If Arden is too controlling, he may never see Joss again once he leaves home.


Kelly is a freedom-loving, active, and cranky baby. If his caregivers crave a consistent schedule, they are out of luck. He transplants easily. Kelly can't sit still and play alone. He craves attention and creates chaos to get it. He won't abide by rules or conform. He will challenge Arden from day one and make his life chaotic. Arden will try to make him behave the way he wants him too. It won’t work. Kelly collects friends and needs to be on the move. He loves lavish celebrations. He is a ringleader of mischief. He needs firm hand, not an iron fist. And Arden can be an iron fist. Kelly can be self-destructive if thwarted. He learns how to manipulate early and can become a bully. Kelly won’t easily cow Arden but they are likely in for a lifetime of misunderstandings and frustrations.


Greer is a happy, easy going child who likes to explore and plays happily alone. He needs routine and safety and Arden supplies it. He asks odd challenging questions and enjoys fantasy, mystery, inventing, and thinking. Arden might not understand his child, but since he isn’t causing problems, he will be fondly tolerant. Greer can’t handle chaos and hates being fussed over or the center of attention. Arden is just the calm stable parent he needs. Greer doubts himself and takes criticism hard, but Arden isn’t likely to criticize much. They don’t have a lot to clash over. They should muddle along fairly well together even if they have nothing in common.


Taylor needs peace and calm. Chaotic and unpredictable caregivers make her anxious. Overprotective parents suffocate her. Absent or busy caregivers allow her to spiral out of control. Arden is stable and provides the calm she needs. Taylor is friendly and values harmony. Pleasing others makes her happy. Arden will appreciate her efforts. Taylor will take charge of her siblings and the playroom. Arden will probably respect that too. Taylor is hurt if she senses disapproval or if her efforts are rejected. Arden might not give her the appreciation and recognition she needs. He provides and that should be enough. He won’t understand what she needs. They can hurt each other in that regard. Taylor overextends herself by trying to play with everyone and must be reined in. Arden has no problem defining boundaries. Taylor may not respect them. For the most part, they may not have much conflict in the day to day, but emotional misunderstandings are a given. If Taylor tries to push things too far, Arden may become distant and critical.


Cam is a quiet, low maintenance child. He won’t ask for anything, even for what he needs. He is good because it’s important to be good not to please others. He expects everyone else to be good too: caregivers, siblings, teachers, and friends. A chaotic or highly dysfunctional family pushes him further inside his shell. Arden provides stability and calm. Cam spends a lot of time daydreaming and thinking. Though his questioning of authority and probing questions make Arden frustrated. Cam is self-regulating and responsible. He develops his own belief system and does not conform to what others believe. That may be a problem for traditional Arden. As Arden criticizes, Cam withdraws to protect. They could keep each other at an arm’s distance their whole lives, never really understanding each other. 


Morgan is a lively baby. He walks, talks, and gets into everything early. He might do them all a little differently. Arden who expects everything to happen on time and in the right way is frustrated. Morgan has a lively questioning mind. He takes risks and outwits dim caregivers, teachers, or other authority figures. Arden will become a warden to try to keep him in line. Morgan likes creative projects and follows his unique interests wherever they lead. His penchant for invention is evident early on. Arden might respect his skill but not his choices. Morgan is outgoing. He likes to orchestrate activities, assign roles, oversee the progress, and is irritated when he doesn't get his way. Arden isn’t likely to give him free reign. Morgan doesn’t like group activities but can be a clown in social situations and won’t appreciate the parties or holiday fuss. He is likely to take apart his toys or utilize them in interesting ways. Arden will not be happy that Morgan is wasting money that way. They are likely to have an uneasy relationship and if Morgan becomes a wild child, Arden may turn away from him entirely.


Lee is a high-demand baby. If placed with absent or self-absorbed caregivers, she screams until someone pays attention to her. She proves exhausting to the most attentive caregiver and Arden isn’t overly attentive. Lee knows her own mind from the day she can talk and tells you what she wants and does not want. If Arden has different plans and goals for Lee, she is met with stubborn resistance. Lee excels at whatever she chooses to participate in. She is in competition with herself not others, but they might not realize it. Arden will appreciate her skill. Lee could triangulate her parents and become daddy’s darling, seeing her mother as competition. Lee is a leader on the playground and becomes the enemy of anyone who doesn’t follow along. She is the quintessential queen bee. As long as Lee isn’t challenging his authority, Arden will be okay with that. To caregivers with Lee’s temperament, Lee is the perfect child. To rigid caregivers, she is a pain. To less intrepid caregivers, she scares them a little. 


River is a quiet baby. She is content to observe the world. A busy, aggressive, or outgoing caregiver makes her cry. She needs peace and quiet to thrive. She lives in a dream world most of the time. Arden’s calm and stability will suit her well. If Arden attempts to drag her to play groups or to the playground, River will go kicking and screaming. River has one or two friends. Her emotional skin is thin and any criticism lowers her self-esteem. If she does not rise to Arden’s expectations, she may become depressed. River naturally sees the world as treacherous and trust is vital. She hates violence and discord and needs peace and continuity. Arden’s calm approach to life can provide River with a safe haven. However, Arden could easily overpower and suffocate River with his expectations. River will just go deeper inside. Arden may not know what to do with this changeling and any criticism will hurt River. Arden may not notice his child’s pain and distress until it is too late.

Next week, we will introduce BLAIR.

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16 Parents and Children Nevada

In previous posts, I covered sixteen lovers and sixteen heroes and villains (link below). In the upcoming months, we are going to use the mannequins from Story Building Blocks and do a deep dive on what each character is like as a parent and how they deal with the other characters as children.

Family dynamics, especially parent and child, have a long-lasting impact on how your characters are formed. You don’t have to write a family saga to utilize this insight. It will shape who your character becomes as an adult. It can play a big part in a young adult story world. Even in Science Fiction or Dystopian futures, human traits remain. Childhoods can twist and destroy. A good family can make your hero more lovable and a motivated hero. Mix a character with a good childhood without to give them different world views and definitions of family. Sibling rivalry can be a factor. Who did the parent love more? Who did they connect with? Who did they clash with the most? There are many opportunities to infuse conflict in your plot with parents and children. You can mix parents with different styles. You can craft a complex family dynamic based on their temperaments and needs. As always with any of the traits, you can make them benevolent or malevolent.

The sixteen profiles can be either male or female. I alternated he and she. The character can be a father, mother, grandparent, aunt, uncle, foster family, or other primary caregiver.

This post will focus on the mannequin Nevada.

Nevada’s currency is appreciation. He craves loving affirmations for working hard and providing. Nevada is committed, stable, orderly, and planned. He takes care of the practical needs. He is warm, affection, and social. He demands respect. He expects good behavior and is critical of “deviant” behavior. He is humiliated if his children reflect badly on him. He takes criticism and disobedience as a personal attack. He cares more about who was responsible for things than healing the situation. He sets clear boundaries but has trouble being the enforcer. He makes excuses for his children’s behavior to outsiders. He is highly critical but won’t tolerate outside criticism. He avoids conflict until he can’t. He punishes through manipulation and guilt. Nevada is most compatible with Arden, Dallas, and Wynn. He has the most trouble with Greer.


As a child, a Wynn is easy to please and seeks approval. Nevada’s punishments of manipulation and guilt will make her anxious. She prefers clear consistent rules. She needs a secure routine but can’t handle suffocating attention. Nevada provides that environment. Wynn does not like being punished for something she didn’t do and they could have a problem if Nevada does so. Wynn will be hurt and angry if she is lumped in with other misbehaving children. Wynn is pretty self-sufficient. Both suffer silently and withhold negative feelings until they erupt. The two could misunderstand each other for a lifetime until a catalyst releases their emotions.


As a child Francis needs order, structure, calm, and a predictable schedule. Nevada provides that security. Francis struggles with overly emotional people and Nevada isn’t mushy. He is meticulous and puts schoolwork before play and Nevada will appreciate that about him. Francis isn’t comfortable with new people and situations and clings to close friends. This could be a problem since Nevada is social. He may want Francis to participate in things he isn’t interested in. Francis enjoys situations where he can show off his competence and Nevada will appreciate that.  If belittled, Francis sinks into low self-esteem. He can become rigid in the face of uncertainty and can become a bully. Nevada will insist he couldn’t possibly be a bully and the other person is mistaken. This could escalate fast.


Parent and child Nevada need structure, security, and personal attention. They get along well this way. Child Nevada craves acceptance and is eager to please. He does what he is expected to do. He follows the rules if fair and reasonable. He speaks out against unfairness. He is furious when other people break the rules. So in that regard, they are highly compatible. If they let each other down, or make a mistake, they will turn on each other. Both become willfully obstinate if violated and that can create a war. Nevada struggles to conform to new situations, so as long as his parents keep his life calm, he is fine. If they are forced to move around for work etc. he can turn into a problem child.


Arden is an active toddler. He likes to experiment and needs constant activity and change. He grows sullen and depressed if deprived of opportunities. He is curious and likes to disassemble things. He is eager to share his findings. He can resort to acting up to get attention or break up the monotony.  He will drive Nevada crazy. Arden isn’t a snuggler. He hates standing still and that can be exhausting. He won’t just behave and be still and follow Nevada’s directions. The more Nevada tries to control him, the more Arden will push the boundaries. Nevada will appreciate that Arden wants to impress and earn those trophies and badges. He wants his children to excel. Nevada might not appreciate the way Arden goes about it. When Arden steps out of line or embarrasses him, Nevada will be harsh.


Blair needs love and nurturing. Absent, inattentive or busy caregivers make her feel lost. Nevada may not give her the personalized attention she needs. Nevada will provide the solid foundation Blair needs to flit, but won’t appreciate her flitting. Arden is pleasant, kind, and nurturing toward others. She makes special gifts which isn’t Nevada’s currency. He just wants his hard work acknowledged. Nevada will not give her the things Arden needs to feel loved and Arden might not appreciate Nevada’s dedication to work. Arden is quiet and plays by herself, inventing her own world. She is artistic and highly sensitive, a daydreamer. Nevada won’t understand her. Arden will rebel against his restrictions.


Dallas is a restless child. She is suffocated by restrictions or cloying caregivers. She isn’t a cuddler. She is dangerous loose cannon and will try anything. Her attention is fleeting. She doesn’t do anything long enough to master it. She will drive Nevada quite mad. Dallas needs to be corralled and Nevada’s methods to suppress her can become unhealthy. Dallas is a ringleader of her siblings or in school. She hates being stuck at a desk listening to other people talk. She forgets to do what she is supposed to. Her inconsistency will frustrate Nevada. The more Nevada tries to bring her in line, the more Dallas rebels.


Hadley is an easy baby. She needs calm, personalized attention. Nevada will be too busy for that. Hadley is agreeable and enthusiastic. She wants to try everything once but quickly drops it. Nevada won’t understand why she quits everything. He won’t appreciate her need to move on to a new challenge. Dallas wants to be seen and heard and offers deep insights. She shuts down in the face of criticism and feels everything is criticism. Nevada’s parenting style feels like criticism and in return Nevada won’t feel appreciated. Dallas is easily led and hates leaving friends even though her friendships tend to be fluid. These two will likely have a lifetime of misunderstandings.


Shelby is a quiet baby with a low threshold for excitement. She needs calm and consistent nurturing. Too much handling, moving around, and chaos make her cranky. She cries to escape the torture when caregivers shake her up and show her off. Nevada offers a stable, structured environment but may try to push Shelby past her comfort level. Shelby likes playing by herself, with her toys, or with her imaginary friends. She likes to daydream and doodle. She hates teams and groups and is highly sensitive to criticism. She turns her pain inward. They hurt each other without realizing it. Shelby is reserved around new people and bonds with a best friend. She can be a loner. Nevada won’t understand her loner status. She may prove an embarrassment to him. The more Nevada pushes, the more Shelby retreats.


Joss is a quiet but busy child. He is a fearless daredevil. He accepts structure and concrete rules but needs flexibility. He asks permission but finds a way around it if told “no.” He grows bored when options are limited. Nevada and Joss might find a way to muddle along together. Nevada might even appreciate Joss’s derring-do. Joss likes to take things apart to see how they work, but doesn’t tell anyone what he learns. He gets lost in his hobbies. He offers no ill will, he just isn’t tuned in. Joss is a good student, but chafes at rote learning. He gets in trouble for not paying attention or sitting still. Nevada will defend him at school but at home will be angry that Joss is embarrassing him and not falling in line. Joss tries harder to control his world if it spirals out of control. Nevada provides a stable structure, so only life causing turbulence is likely to affect them both. If Nevada is too critical, Joss may simple leave and not come back to visit.


Kelly is a freedom-loving, active, and cranky baby. Nevada won’t get his consistent schedule.  Kelly transplants easily. He can't sit still and play alone. He craves attention and creates chaos to get it. He won't abide by rules or conform. He will challenge Nevada from day one. The more Nevada attempts to suppress Kelly, the more outrageous he grows. Kelly collects friends and needs to be on the move. He likes everything larger than life and will likely embarrass Nevada with his shenanigans. He is a ringleader of mischief. He needs firm hand, not an iron fist. He can be self-destructive if thwarted. He learns how to manipulate early and can become a bully. Nevada will defend his bully son in public, but punish him in private. Kelly definitely won’t appreciate Nevada, unless Kelly realizes it is a manipulation tool to get what he wants. Nevada and Kelly will never understand each other. Kelly is a freewheeling force of nature and Nevada is a by the book traditionalist. It won’t make for a healthy relationship.


Greer is a happy, easy going child who likes to explore and plays happily alone. He needs routine and safety and Nevada supplies it. He asks odd challenging questions and enjoys fantasy, mystery, inventing, and thinking. Nevada won’t understand this aspect of Greer, but will appreciate that he follows the rules. Greer can’t handle chaos and hates being fussed over or the center of attention. Nevada’s attempts to push Greer into things that make him proud will make Greer unhappy. Greer doubts himself and takes criticism hard. Nevada’s criticism of Greer for being too introverted and absorbed by projects with cause Greer to withdraw further. They likely won’t have anything in common. It could be a peaceful detente or an unhealthy spiral of criticism and withdrawal.


Taylor needs peace and calm. Chaotic and unpredictable caregivers make her anxious. Overprotective parents suffocate her. If Nevada is absent or busy, she will spiral out of control. Nevada is stable and provides the calm Taylor needs. Both are friendly and value harmony. Pleasing others makes them happy. They are like each other in that regard. Taylor will take charge of her siblings and the playroom. Taylor is hurt if she senses disapproval or if her efforts are rejected. Nevada’s criticism would fuel a fire. Taylor overextends herself by trying to play with everyone and must be reined in. Nevada could do this. When he goes too far with the restrictions, misunderstandings are a given.


Cam is a quiet, low maintenance child. He won’t ask for anything, even for what he needs. He is good because it’s important to be good not to please others. He expects everyone else to be good too: caregivers, siblings, teachers, and friends. A chaotic or highly dysfunctional family pushes him further inside his shell. Nevada provides consistent rules and stability. Nevada won’t understand Cam’s need for solitude to daydream and think. The more Nevada tries to push Cam into things, the more Cam will withdraw and become resentful. Cam doesn’t care what other people think and Nevada may be embarrassed by his odd child. Nevada won’t tolerate Cam’s need to question things and ask probing questions.  Cam is self-regulating and responsible. He develops his own belief system and does not conform to what others believe. That may be a problem for traditional Nevada who needs his kids to be mainstream and follow his beliefs and expectations of behavior. They could be circling each other at an arm’s distance their whole lives, never really understanding each other.


Morgan is a lively baby. He walks, talks, and gets into everything early. He might do them all a little differently. Nevada expects everything to happen on time and in the right way. He will be frustrated and make Morgan anxious. Morgan has a lively questioning mind. He is likely to take apart his toys or utilize them in interesting ways.

He takes risks and outwits dim caregivers, teachers, or other authority figures. He may run circles around Nevada. He likes creative projects and follows his unique interests wherever they lead. His penchant for invention is evident early on. Nevada may not appreciate his experiments. Morgan is outgoing. He likes to orchestrate activities, assign roles, and oversee the progress. He is irritated when he doesn't get his way. Morgan will question Nevada and resent Nevada’s need to control everything. Morgan doesn’t like group activities but can be a clown in social situations. He may embarrass Nevada in public. If Morgan colors within the lines, they may muddle along without overt clashes. The more Morgan deviates from expectations, the higher the conflict.


Lee is a high-demand baby. If placed with absent or self-absorbed caregivers, she screams until someone pays attention to her. She proves exhausting to Nevada. Lee knows her own mind from the day she can talk and tells you what she wants and does not want. If Nevada has different plans and goals for Lee, he is met with stubborn resistance. Lee excels at whatever she chooses to participate in. She is in competition with herself not others, but they might not realize it. Her father will be largely inconsequential. Lee could triangulate her parents and become Nevada’s darling, seeing the other parent as competition. There is a high chance of triangulation. Lee is a leader on the playground and becomes the enemy of anyone who doesn’t follow along. She is the quintessential queen bee. Nevada might respect that as long as Lee stays within his lines. Nevada will defend Lee when she is criticized by the school and other parents and makes excuses, after all Lee is all about excellence. In private, Nevada might try to tone her down or rein her in. To caregivers with Lee’s temperament, Lee is the perfect child. To rigid caregivers, she is a pain. To less intrepid caregivers, she scares them a little. Nevada will never have an easy day with Lee.


River is a quiet baby. She is content to observe the world. A busy, aggressive, or outgoing caregiver makes her cry. She needs peace and quiet to thrive. She lives in a dream world most of the time. Nevada’s stability and routine will be comforting to River. If Nevada attempts to drag her to play groups or to the playground, River will go kicking and screaming. River has one or two friends. Her emotional skin is thin and any criticism lowers her self-esteem. If she does not rise to Nevada’s expectations, she may become depressed. River naturally sees the world as treacherous and trust is vital. She hates violence and discord and needs peace and continuity. Nevada’s calm approach to life can provide River with a safe haven. Nevada won’t understand River’s diversion from what he considers normal whatever form River’s sensitivity takes. They may diverge on politics, religions, relationships, or traditions. The more critical Nevada becomes, the River withdraws. Nevada will protect his odd child from others, but at home will try to make her conform. River is easily hurt and Nevada’s criticism and efforts to coerce her may cause irreparable damage.

Next week, we will introduce ARDEN.

If you want to learn more, you can check out Mastering Character Development and the
Story Building Blocks website for free tools and forms.

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