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The ABCs of Self-Publishing Platforms LuLu


Lulu is unusual in that it offers unique projects in addition to books with 3,000 possible sizes, paper types, and binding option combinations: print books, ebooks, children’s books, graphic novels, comic books, magazines, cookbooks, educational books, photobooks, notebooks, and wall calendars. They do not require exclusivity.

 Cost: There are no fees or charges to upload your files. You can make changes. Print cost is determined by many factors including trim size, cover type, and paper type. . For print books, order a copy to proof and approve for distribution. For ebooks, you pay the one-time distribution fee to submit your ebook for approval. They can refuse the book.

Rights: You maintain all rights. Your book must be assigned an ISBN to qualify for Global Distribution on Amazon, Apple, Kobo, Google Play, Ingram, Barnes and Noble, and Scribd. They provide an ISBN or you can use your own.

Distribution: Your book is listed for sale on the Lulu Bookstore. The Lulu Global Network makes your book available for purchase on Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Gardners, Ingram, Kobo, Libri, and Scribd. The individual platforms have to approve your product. You can sell from your own site.

Services: Lulu will convert your docx file into an Epub format. They offer templates with bundle that include book page and cover templates for InDesign, Photoshop, and Word, as well as a Book Creation Guide. 

The have the LuLu University, a blog, and other tutorials on their site.

They have a list of partners you can use for the different services like writing, editing, marketing, book coaching, etc.

Payment: They pay via PayPal or checks. Paypal deducts a service fee. They collate payment information from the different distributors which is reflected on their dashboard. Payouts must be at least $5.00 for PayPal.

Royalties are paid monthly on or before the last day of the month. Anything under $5 will be carried over to the next month.

You will receive a 1042S form by March 15 each year. Paypal pays in the following currencies:  USD, CAD, AUD, EUR, and GBP. If you select paper checks, royalties must exceed $20 US. You will receive your royalties quarterly, dispersed within 45 days following the end of the quarter. Paper checks are only issued in US dollars. You can run a sales report at any time.

Next week we look at 

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