Wattpad is a unique platform where you can upload any kind of writing, including works in progress. You can upload one chapter at a time or serialized fiction. It is on the platform only. There is no ebook distribution.
You cannot infringe on copyright with print or images or plagiarize. From start to finish, you’re in control of the what, when, and where of your project. If you publish using “advanced options,” you can also add copyright language to the story like “All rights reserved” or a “Creative Commons” license.
They have strict rules about copyright infringement and posting content that is obscene or hateful. Read those guidelines carefully before creating content.
Cost: Free to upload your stories.
Rights: Your work is protected as copyrighted upon upload. Wattpad doesn’t ask for the rights to your work, and it doesn’t decide where it gets published. No ISBN is involved.
Distribution: Only on Wattpad or in concert with their other programs.
Services: Writers get direct interaction and feedback. Create an account and upload any of your writing. Anyone can read it or comment on it.
Wattpad Studios works with untapped Wattpad writers to facilitate connections to their publishing and multimedia partners. Over 1000 original Wattpad stories have been published, produced, or adapted to TV or film.
With their own direct publishing division, Wattpad Books, they’re bringing Wattpad stories to bookshelves. They make it easy for readers to share stories via email, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts.
Wattpad Originals makes it possible for you to earn money for your work while providing readers a way to monetarily support writers. It is an invite-only program. They identify content, contact the creator, and provide one on one onboarding support to get stories prepped for launch. This looks different for each story and can include things from full story editing to cover preparation to description/tag support. Wattpad works with some of the biggest brand and studio partners from around the world to provide creators with exclusive writing opportunities.
With Wattpad Brand Partnerships, creators get
a chance to work with brands like Maybelline, Tim Hortons, JCPenney, Paramount
Pictures. and many more. They can get paid for their work by participating in
brand campaigns and initiatives. From writing branded bonus chapters on Wattpad
to doing social media takeovers off-platform, working with brands helps
creators establish credibility and elevate their own writer brand. To get
involved with brands, you can enter a Wattpad writing contest—submit your story
to win exciting prizes. Winning stories could also get the chance to be turned
into a short film, podcast, commercial or other media. Be enlisted to work with
a brand to write a sponsored story, bonus chapters or other seeded entries. Create
custom social content and participate in branded social media takeovers. Get
featured on a brand’s livestream or podcast.
The Wattpad Creators Program supports writers who are consistently updating their stories by offering access to: Editorial support through our ticketing system, Oracle, where you can ask questions directly to our Wattpad Originals editors and content team scouts. Educational resources focus on helping you succeed on the Wattpad platform, covering topics such as IEC and web-novel style writing. There are opportunities to take part in Creator Workshops. There is a Wattpad Creators Discord channel. There are opportunities to pitch your stories directly to their content team for consideration for Wattpad Originals. Creator Coordinators answer questions and support your writing journey. In order to qualify for the Wattpad Creators Program, you need to meet the following criteria, for at least one story: must be40,000 words or more, written in English, has been updated with a minimum of 500 words at least once in the last two weeks and at least six times in the last three months. It cannot be fanfiction, random writing, poetry, or classics. You also must not have any conduct or content violations against your account. In exchange for entrance to the Wattpad Creators Program, writers are asked to update a story of their choice on a weekly basis, as we know this is key to your story’s success on Wattpad.
They also have articles for writers about story structure, marketing, self-publishing, etc.
Payment: No royalties but opportunities through their programs to earn money. They are not an aggregator or distributor.
Next week, we look at XinXii, a new player out of Germany.
As always, if you find this information useful, share it, like it. If you want more free information, sign up to follow the blog on blogger or the Story Building Blocks Facebook Page. Free tips and tools are also available on my site https://dianahurwitz.com/.
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