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The ABCs of Self-Publishing Platforms Draft2Digital/Smashwords

Draft2Digital and Smashwords are now one company.

Draft2Digital offers ebooks and paperbacks. They don’t require exclusivity. You have an author page on their site which directs buyers to different stores. They have a zero plagiarism policy and do check lines from your book.

Cost: You can upload your covers and files at no charge. There are no fees for reformatting or updating your book. There are no up-front charges for formatting, conversion, distribution, and sales tracking.

Rights: You retain all rights. Draft2Digital offers free ISBNs numbers when uploading through their site. Their ISBN can only be used for their versions and approved vendors.

Distribution: They offer distribution through Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Press, Kobo, Scribd, Smashwords, Tolino, OverDrive, Bibliotheca, Baker & Taylor, Ingram, Hoopla, and Vivlio, BorrowBox, Odilo, Palace Marketplace, and Gardners. You choose the distributors you wish to use.

If you sell a print book with Amazon KDP Print Expanded Distribution or Ingram Spark, they do not recommend you use D2D. If you did not select KDP Expanded Distribution, you can use D2D Print.

You can price your ebook for free to every store except Amazon. Your book will be submitted to Amazon at $0.99 (99-cents USD). Amazon may choose to price-match to bring prices in line with other vendors at their discretion.

Services: They have automated conversion and layout templates. They offer promotional opportunities through Books2Read. You can schedule price promotions and free promotions, except through Amazon which does not allow books to be free.

They offer information on audiobooks, editing, cover design, marketing programs, Author Advocate partners, directory services, and a digital storefront. 

You can download their converted PDF and EPUB files without selling through D2D. They offer customer support if your files don’t turn out right.

You can set up pre-orders for print and ebook as far out as a year in advance of your chosen release date. However, they cannot support ebook pre-orders through Amazon.

Payment: Their fee at most digital stores is approximately 10% of the retail price (technically 15% of the net royalties). They get reports from the distributors and must wait to be paid from each storefront before they pass along the payments to you minus their cut and any expenses the vendors incur for printing, delivery, etc. Most stores pay authors 60-90 days after the sale happens. As soon as Draft2Digital receives payment from their partners,they send payment to you in your next monthly payment on or around the 15th of each month. The minimums for each accepted method are: Paypal ($0 USD minimum), Direct deposit ($0 USD minimum), International Direct Deposit ($10 USD minimum), Payoneer ($20 USD minimum), Check ($100 USD minimum). Draft2Digital delivers payments once a month once the threshold for payment has been met. They report your earnings to the IRS but do not collect taxes.

Next week, we will look at Google Play.

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