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Crafting Creatures: Witches

A wide range of stories involve witches with unique traits and talents. Here is a list of questions to consider when designing your spell casters.

1. Where did their powers originate? Has witchcraft been around since time began or was there a point of origin? 

2. Were they born with powers, gain powers at a specific age, or did an individual make a deal with a paranormal entity such as a devil, demon, or god?

3. Can anyone gain magical power? Are powers passed on through genetics, rituals, or other physical or mystical means? 

4. Who can wield magical power, only certain individuals or is it accessible to anyone with the right knowledge or objects? What prevents other people from gaining magical powers?

5 . Once gained, can anything weaken or remove their powers? Do they have vulnerabilities?

6. Are witches granted immortality? If so, at what point do they stop aging or how do they age? Do they need spells or potions to prevent physical aging?

7. Can they be killed, even if they are granted immortality? If so, how and what happens when they die?

8. Are there costs associated with their power? Is their energy drained? Do they need to "recharge" or do they have an endless supply of magic? Does anything make them stronger?

9. Does using magic cause harm if used for personal gain? If white magic, what happens if they use it for nefarious reasons?

10. Is the magic available at will, channeled through specific objects, or energy drawn upon by spells, incantations, rituals, ley lines, etc. ?

11. What can individuals do with their magic and what are the logistics?

Control the elements of fire, air, water, earth

Grow or wither people, plants, or nature
Move things with the mind, wave of the hand, or incantation
Transport/teleport things or people
Mind control
Move through time and space 
Kill, maim, or make others ill
Heal wounds, regenerate, or reanimate
Enhance senses sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch
Fly with or without brooms
Superhuman powers such as excessive strength, speed, agility, intelligence
Shape shift

12. Do they make potions? Is there danger associated with them?

13. Do they summon the power from a paranormal entity such as a demon or god/goddess?

14. Is there a hierarchy or controlling body such as a tribunal, coven, church, chosen leaders, etc.?

15. Do they have ancient texts, spellbooks, or grimoires? Interpret omens or magical objects like ouija boards, runes, bones, or sigils?

16. Do they have schools or universities? How are magical spells, potions, legend, lore, history, etc. taught or does the knowledge come instantly with magical powers?

17. Who knows about them? Everyone everywhere? Certain groups or places? Are they hiding in plain sight?

18. Do they have paranormal allies or enemies?

19. Are they an accepted part of society or must they hide in the shadows? Are they persecuted or the rulers?

20. What do they look like? Do they have a natural appearance that is hidden by spells or glamours? 

21. Do they have special marks such as birthmarks, skin lesions, or tattoos?

22. Do they have specific clothing, ceremonial robes, jewelry items, wands, crystal balls, brooms, magical objects, etc.?

23. Do they have familiars such as cats or other animals?

24. Do they work like normal humans or do they have vast stores of wealth? If so, how did they come by it - magic or amassing human fortunes? Or can they simply summon everything at will including food, clothing, housing, etc.?

25. How do they live, like normal humans or do they have special homes or specific locations? Are their abodes visible or hidden with protections, wards, etc.? Can anyone approach or enter their home?

Next week, we look at crafting vampires.

Further reading:

Worldbuilding: Myths and Legends

The Fantasy Skeleton

The Horror Skeleton

The Thriller and Suspense Skeleton

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