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Crafting Rules of Magic

Magic and magical powers fuel many Paranormal and Fantasy tales. The best stories have logical cause and effect. When worldbuilding, here is a list of questions to consider.

1. Where did magic originate? Has it been around since time began or was there a point of origin? Was it a natural occurrence such as a meteor strike, sun flare, etc.? Perhaps a deal with a paranormal entity such as a devil, demon, or god? Is it a genetic mutation or gained through exposure to a toxic element such as radiation or alien artifact? 

2. Is the magic possessed by individuals to wield at will, channeled through specific objects, or energy drawn upon by spells, incantations, or rituals?

3. Who can wield magical power, only certain individuals or is it accessible to anyone with the right knowledge or objects? What prevents other people from gaining magical powers?

4. Is the power passed down through generations via genetics, reproduction with magical beings, transferred between individuals in some manner, gained by ritual, or inherited by other physical or mystical means?

5. Is there a hierarchy or controlling body such as a tribunal, coven, chosen leaders, etc.?

6. What can individuals with magic do and how does it work?

Control the elements of fire, air, water, earth
Grow or wither people, plants, or nature
Move things with the mind, wave of the hand, or incantation
Transport/teleport things or people
Mind control
Move through time and space 
Interpret omens or magical objects like ouija boards, runes, bones, sigils
Kill, maim, or make others ill
Heal wounds, regenerate, or reanimate
Enhance senses sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch
Provide superhuman powers such as excessive strength, speed, agility, intelligence

7. What are the limitations or rules of use?

8. Do magic beings have a weakness or vulnerability?

9. What is the physical, mental, or spiritual cost of using magic to the individual, group, or world at large?

10. What types of magical characters exist in your story world?

11. Who knows about them? Everyone everywhere? Certain groups or places? Are they hiding in plain sight? Be careful about pushing the boundaries of credibility. Think about your setting. How easy would it be to keep things a secret?

In the upcoming weeks we will look at crafting specific creatures.

Further reading:

Worldbuilding: Myths and Legends

The Fantasy Skeleton

The Horror Skeleton

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